Outreach Programs


Shunya Organises several events and programs throughout the year to increase it's outreach and show its enthusiastic activity.


16th September 2022

Bringing out its pearlescent form in all strength in the EC Campus as well, Club Shunya honored the Engineers’ Day of the year with yet another fun-filled event. On the 16th of September, we organized Mathbee: a quiz competition, with a fun twist! Duos and trios of participants had to rack their brains to answer logical reasoning questions on Math for round one and a game of Bingo for the second round. The event proved a huge success.


29th October 2022

On the 29th of October, Shunya held one of the most rewarding events- Vicharaprapancha. Vicharaprapancha was a science fair that was held to enlighten and upskill government school kids in science and science related experiments. Vicharaprapancha was truly one of the most grounding, fun-filled events held by Shunya.


19th November 2022

Anveshana is an on-campus Hackathon held at PES University Ring Road Campus where you will be teamed up with high school students from our own PES adopted Schools! This is the perfect opportunity for students to flaunt their skills for the greater good by helping kids solve problems faced in their schools.